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Why Bubbles Form in Anti-Corrosion Tape

Feb. 05, 2024

Anti-corrosion tape, a crucial component in preserving the integrity of pipelines and metal structures, has been a go-to solution for industries battling corrosion. However, an issue that often perplexes engineers and maintenance professionals is the appearance of bubbles during the tape-wrapping process.


Understanding Anti-Corrosion Tape Composition and Functionality

Why Bubbles Form in Anti-Corrosion Tape

Before delving into the intricacies of bubble formation, let's establish a foundational understanding of anti-corrosion tape.

Anti-corrosion wrapping tape is a material used to prevent corrosion and is commonly used for the protection of pipes, pipelines and metal structures. This kind of tape is usually waterproof, anti-corrosive, and insulating. It can effectively prevent metal surfaces from being corroded by water, chemicals or other harmful substances, and extend the service life of pipes and structures.

Qiangke Anti-corrosion wrapping tape is usually made of materials such as polyethylene, which has corrosion resistance and good adhesion. Their applications cover a variety of industrial sectors, including petrochemicals, water treatment, natural gas transmission, and more. This tape can be used as a cost-effective and effective means of protecting facilities from environmental factors.


Why Bubbles Form in Anti-Corrosion Tape

Based on the feedback from owners, supervisors, design units and construction units of large-scale pipeline petrochemical projects, the general reasons for the occurrence of bubbles in the tape during the wrapping process are as follows:


Temperature and Environmental Factors

Temperature plays a pivotal role in the efficacy of adhesive bonding. Extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold, can lead to bubbles. Understanding the ideal temperature range for application is crucial.

Atmospheric temperature fluctuations:

The impact of atmospheric temperature changes becomes more pronounced with larger pipe diameters, influencing the integrity of the anti-corrosion layer and contributing to bubble formation.

Incomplete Rust Removal or Harsh Weather Conditions:

If the surface of the pipe is not properly prepared, such as incomplete rust removal, or if the weather conditions involve high winds and sand, foreign particles may be present on the pipe surface. These contaminants can hinder the proper adhesion of the anti-corrosion tape, leading to the development of bubbles. So proper cleaning and priming are essential for a seamless bonding process.

Heat Absorption by Steel Pipes and Tape:

Steel pipes tend to absorb heat, and the black color of the anti-corrosion tape enhances this heat absorption. Exposure to direct sunlight after applying the anti-corrosion tape can exacerbate this issue. The absorbed heat may cause the tape to expand, contract, or release gases, resulting in the formation of bubbles.

Sealing Properties of the Tape:

The effective sealing properties of the anti-corrosion tape can also contribute to bubble formation. While these properties are essential for preventing the escape of water vapor and ensuring corrosion protection, they may also trap gases and moisture beneath the tape, leading to the formation of bubbles over time.

Tape Application Techniques

Applying anti-corrosion tape requires finesse. Inconsistent tension and improper techniques contribute to the development of bubbles. Adopting best practices during the application process is vital for success.


How to avoid bubbles in anticorrosive wrap tape

Although construction quality problems will also cause bubbles to appear in the anti-corrosion wrapping tape, the generation of bubbles is ultimately caused by the thermal expansion and contraction of the polyethylene film.

The general solution is to take corresponding measures to prevent direct sunlight from shining on the surface of the steel pipe after the external anti-corrosion of the steel pipe is completed, such as covering the anti-corrosion steel pipe with straw thatch or mesh cloth.

This can avoid aging of the tape and reduce the generation of bubbles. In steel pipes that have generated bubbles, the bubbles will disappear on their own when the temperature is low, such as on rainy days or after being buried underground.

If permanent bubbles appear, like wrinkles, they should be removed and repaired.

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